In addition, each Party shall: (a) require that unit packets and

In addition, each Party shall: (a) require that unit packets and packages of tobacco products for retail and wholesale use that are sold on its domestic market carry the statement: ��Sales only allowed in (insert name of the country, sub-national, regional or federal unit)�� or carry any other effective marking indicating the final destination or which would assist authorities in determining read this whether the product is legally for sale on the domestic market; and (b) consider, as appropriate, developing a practical tracking and tracing regime that would further secure the distribution system and assist in the investigation of illicit trade. Each Party shall require that the packaging information or marking specified in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be presented in legible form and/or appear in its principal language or languages.

With a view to eliminating illicit trade in tobacco products, each Party shall: (a) monitor and collect data on cross-border trade in tobacco products, including illicit trade, and exchange information among customs, tax and other authorities, as appropriate, and in accordance with national law and relevant applicable bilateral or multilateral agreements; (b) enact or strengthen legislation, with appropriate penalties and remedies, against illicit trade in tobacco products, including counterfeit and contraband cigarettes; (c) take appropriate steps to ensure that all confiscated manufacturing equipment, counterfeit and contraband cigarettes and other tobacco products are destroyed, using environmentally-friendly methods where feasible, or disposed of in accordance with national law; (d) adopt and implement measures to monitor, document and control the storage and distribution of tobacco products held or moving under suspension of taxes or duties within its jurisdiction; and (e) adopt measures as appropriate to enable the confiscation of proceeds derived from the illicit trade in tobacco products.

Information collected pursuant to subparagraphs 4(a) and 4(d) of this Article shall, as appropriate, be provided in aggregate form by the Parties in their periodic Batimastat reports to the Conference of the Parties, in accordance with Article 21. The Parties shall, as appropriate and in accordance with national law, promote cooperation between national agencies, as well as relevant regional and international intergovernmental organizations as it relates to investigations, prosecutions and proceedings, with a view to eliminating illicit trade in tobacco products.

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