With the above decomposition procedures, the term Δsw(t,m)Δsw(t,m

With the above decomposition procedures, the term Δsw(t,m)Δsw(t,m) in Eq. (2) can be approximated by equation(15) Δsw(t,m)=∑i=1NaˆEOF+,i(m)∑l=1n0i∑k=1nfKfkKθl,iPCi+(t-δk,l)GEOFi(m0l)︸[∗]+∑i=1NaˆEOF-,i(m)∑l=1n0i∑k=1nfKfkKθl,iPCi-(t-δk,l)GEOFi(m0l)︸[∗],where GEOFiGEOFi, the gradient field associated with the pattern EOFiEOFi, is defined as: equation(16) GEOFi(m)=EOFi2(m)+EOFi2(m+M),where m=1,2,…,Mm=1,2,…,M.

For each t,m and i  , the term NVP-BEZ235 ic50 [∗][∗] above is a known value. Therefore, we only need to estimate the 2N2N coefficients, aˆEOF+(m,i) and aˆEOF-(m,i), along with coefficients aˆ,aˆP and aˆG in Eq. (2), through multivariate linear regression analysis. We consider the first 30 leading PCs (N=30N=30) as potential predictors to be included in the term ΔswΔsw. As in Wang et al. (2012), we also use the F   test to determine the optimal set of predictors for each wave grid point m  . Only the potential predictors that significantly (at 5% level) reduce the sum of square error (SSE) of the regression fit are chosen and included. The F   test is implemented in both forward and backward iteration modes, considering all the possible combinations. At each iteration, one predictor is added/subtracted and we compare the SSE of the larger model, SSEl, with SSE of the smaller one, SSEs (they just differ by one predictor), using the following F   statistic: equation(17) F=SSEs-SSElSSEl/(Leq-kp),where kpkp is the number of free parameters in the larger model, and the effective

sample size ( von Storch and Zwiers, 2002) LeqLeq is defined as equation(18) Leq=L1+2∑j=1J-11-jLρ(j)with ρ(j)ρ(j) being the j  -order autocorrelation of selleckchem the larger model residual series ε=Hs-H^s, and L   being the sample size. Here, J   is chosen so that only ρ(j)>0.1ρ(j)>0.1 are accounted for in the estimation of LeqLeq. Ocean wave generation is not an instantaneous process. Even if having a constant blowing wind, HsHs gradually Florfenicol increases over a certain period of time until a fully developed wave field is formed. In a real case, in which wind speed constantly varies in magnitude and direction, a fully developed

wave field is not always achieved. Therefore, in general, HsHs depends on both the wind condition and the previous sea state. This explains why HsHs is a highly autocorrelated variable, especially when the time step of the data is small like in the present study (3 h). In this study, we only consider lag-1 dependent variable Hs(t-1,m)Hs(t-1,m), which is different from Wang et al. (2012), but is in agreement with the wave action density balance governing equation and is found to be sufficient for the study area. That is, equation(19) Δt(t,m)=αˆr∗(m)H^sr∗-1(t-1,m). Here, αˆ is estimated (after the set of predictors is selected for the target point m  ; see Section 4.2) using an iterative procedure with r∗r∗ iterations. At the start of the iteration (r=0r=0), Δt=0Δt=0; and for r>0r>0, equation(20) H^sr(t,m)=aˆr(m)+aˆPr(m)P(t,ms)+aˆGr(m)G(t,ms)+Δswr(t,m)+αrˆ(m)H^sr-1(t-1,m).

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