This study serves as a reminder that a knowledge gap toward infectious diseases besides malaria still exists. Our article will explore the future requirements for more targeted education and research among FBT in companies worldwide. Despite the advent of
efficient global communication platforms, employees of major corporations are often still required to travel for business purposes. For oil and gas firms operating in remote areas, this is certainly true: Shell works in over 80 countries and territories,[1] with 8,300 employees self-registered as “frequent business travelers” (FBT) in 2008.[2] Exposure to infectious diseases abroad can pose significant threats to the health and safety of employees if their knowledge of risk and prevention methods is inadequate. In 2004, the NU7441 ic50 European Travel Health Advisory Board’s (ETHAB) European Airport Study[3] laid the groundwork for assessing the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior toward malaria and other infectious diseases among a variety of travelers. Selleck NVP-BKM120 However, the unique nature
of business travel distinguishes an FBT’s risk of exposure to infection from that of leisure tourists, and therefore requires further investigation. In a recent study exploring the attitudes of business travelers toward influenza, almost half of the survey participants agreed that better travel health information should be available and, in particular, that the “company doctor” was most responsible for providing this.[4] There is consequently a clear need not only to assess infectious disease knowledge among FBT but also to identify corporate health strategies that could improve the health and safety of all employees. Using the questionnaire originally developed for the European
Airport Progesterone Survey, we performed a retrospective cohort study to assess FBT’s knowledge toward 11 infectious diseases. Our aim was to identify: The level of knowledge toward infectious disease risk in the FBT’s destination country; Any association of the above with possible targets for intervention, including: demographic factors, the source of travel health advice used, and timing of travel preparation. As outlined in Berg and colleagues’ previously published work on the same FBT cohort,[5] all employees (∼2,500) working for Shell in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, had received an email asking them to self-register if they met at least one of the following criteria of an FBT: Travel within a company-defined region on flights of more than 4 hours, three or more times per month; Long-distance, intercontinental business travel three or more times annually; Business travel to high-risk destinations such as those with significant local health risks and limited availability and/or accessibility of local health care facilities. This applied to most of Shell’s destination countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.