The form will include some written feedback relative to performan

The form will include some written feedback relative to performance and progress and will

also provide constructive and motivational comments and suggestions. more Moreover, participants in this condition will receive brief (ie, <5 min) support calls from select unblinded staff members in a titrated fashion (ie, twice a month during the first 2 months of the programme, and then once a month for the remainder of the programme). The purpose of these calls is to simply check in on participant progress and/or setbacks (ie, injury), answer any programme-specific questions or concerns, confirm receipt and provide an overview of their personalised monthly feedback, and to provide some advice regarding exercise participation (ie, an ‘exercise tip’). Participants in the attentional control condition will receive a copy of Dr Andrew Weil's Healthy Aging DVD, which focuses on various elements of successful aging but is not in and of itself specific to exercise. Participants will be asked to watch this DVD at least once in its entirety. This

group will also receive brief, titrated support calls from the research staff. These calls will fall in line with the support call schedule for the exercise condition and will include an overview of one of the Healthy Aging DVD topics (eg, the importance of proper nutrition, social support, etc) along with some advice related to that particular topic (ie, ‘healthy aging tip’). Post-intervention testing at month 6 All assessments will be completed again at month 6, following the full completion of the 6-month exercise programme. When participants are scheduled for follow-up testing sessions, they will be reminded of the testing location, invited to participate in the qualitative interviews, and reminded not to disclose their group allocation to the assessing research team. All testing will take place at the same location as baseline testing, and will be administered by blinded research staff. Testing procedures will mirror those presented at baseline. GSK-3 Following

completion of the follow-up appointment, control participants will be given the exercise DVDs and accessories prior to leaving. Additionally, all participants who complete the programme and related assessments, regardless of treatment allocation, will receive a total of $175 for their time and travel-related expenses. Data management The principal investigators will be responsible for overseeing data collection, entry and management. Questionnaire data will be checked immediately in the presence of the research participant if possible for clarity and completeness at the time of collection. For data provided by mail, follow-up telephone calls to clarify missing data will be made.

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