Spontaneous dissection of the aortic root is a clear danger and patients should be monitored by serial echocardiograms. Prophylactic cardiac surgery may be necessary before spinal surgery is to be performed. LY2835219 concentration Patients with Jeune syndrome have a high rate of proximal cervical stenosis and should undergo screening
with cervical spine films at birth. Significant stenosis or instability may require decompression and cervical-occipital fusion. Arthrogryposis may be associated with a severe scoliosis and jaw contracture may make intubation difficult. Larsen syndrome may have early onset scoliosis that is very rigid and requires early intervention. Cervical kyphosis and subluxation may be lethal in these patients and screening radiographs are important. Upper airway abnormalities are an anesthesia Blebbistatin Transmembrane Transporters inhibitor concern. Jarcho-Levin syndrome is a thoracic volume depletion deformity due to shortness of the thorax, either a spondylocostal dysostosis variant or spondylothoracic dysplasia. The former has a chaotic congenital scoliosis with varied combination of missing and fused ribs. Although spondylocostal dysostosis has a benign reputation in the literature for respiratory complications, respiratory insufficiency is nevertheless common and 1 death is known from respiratory failure. Spondylothoracic dysplasia seldom has significant scoliosis, but has a mortality rate approaching 50% from
respiratory complications due to thoracic insufficiency
syndrome. In spite of severe restrictive respiratory disease, adult survivors of spondylothoracic dysplasia appear to do well clinically for unknown reasons. Cerebrocostomandibular syndrome has scoliosis, micrognathia, and thoracic insufficiency syndrome, due to an “”implosion”" deformity of the thorax from congenital pseudarthrosis of the posterior ribs.
Conclusion. For optimal patient care, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of exotic congenital syndromes and how they may impact on both the presentation of spinal deformity and the response to treatment, as well as how they may introduce additional morbidity into standard treatment plans. It is clear that with this understanding that preoperative strategies can be employed to enhance the safety of spinal treatment for these MK5108 cell line unique children.”
“Cervicocephalic arterial dissection can cause both ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. However, spontaneous cervicocephalic arterial dissection presenting only with headache and neck pain has rarely been reported. The clinical features of patients with spontaneous cervicocephalic arterial dissection presenting only with headache and neck pain were investigated.
The subjects were seven patients with spontaneous cervicocephalic arterial dissection with headache and neck pain alone who were admitted to our hospital during the past 3 years. The clinical features of these patients were investigated.