1B, green staining) A high density of ß-galactosidase-positive c

1B, green staining). A high density of ß-galactosidase-positive cells was also evident in these areas GSI-IX order (Fig. 1B and inserts B1 and B2). Quantification of sections costained with TOPRO-3 confirmed that PN-1-expressing cells make up a high proportion of all cells in the lateral (CEl) and medial

(CEm) subdivisions of the CEA, and in the mITC and lITC (Fig. 1C and D; Table 1). PN-1 expression was predominantly neuronal in these areas as determined by the colocalization of the neuronal marker NeuN with ß-galactosidase-immunopositive cells (Fig. 1C and D; Table 1). Furthermore, as neurons in these areas are overwhelmingly GABAergic, these results indicate that PN-1 is expressed by inhibitory neurons. The situation is different in the BLA where ß-galactosidase-positive cells represented less than a quarter of all cells. These mostly showed GFAP immunoreactivity and only

a few cells were also positive for the neuronal marker NeuN (see Fig. 1E and F for BA images; Table 1 for BLA quantitation). At least some of the NeuN-positive mTOR inhibitor cells were GABAergic (Fig. 1, B3). In summary, these results show that PN-1 is strongly and widely expressed by GABAergic neurons in the CEA, less strongly but widely in the ITCs, and sparsely by neurons of the BLA. Therefore, the major source of PN-1 expression in the BLA is of glial origin, while in the CEA and ITCs it has a strong neuronal component. To examine the acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear responses in PN-1 KO and WT littermate mice, we used freezing responses elicited by the CS to Cytidine deaminase measure learned fear. During fear conditioning, PN-1 KO mice and their WT littermates displayed similar freezing responses to the US during CS presentations, showing no genotype differences in fear acquisition on Day 1 (data not shown: F1,88 = 0.02034, P > 0.05; n = 8 WT, 7 KO). To test fear extinction, mice were repeatedly exposed to the CS in two sessions on Days 2 and 3. Results are shown

as freezing responses averaged over blocks of four CS presentations each (Fig. 2A and B). Both WT and PN-1 KO mice displayed above baseline freezing responses to the CS tone presentations during the early extinction session (trial effect F4,70 = 11.99, P < 0.001; n = 8 WT, 7 KO; Fig. 2A). This response decreased significantly by the 4th block of CS presentations for WT but not KO mice (1st vs. 4th CS block: WT, P < 0.05; KO, P > 0.05). As previously described (Herry & Mons, 2004), mice still exhibited increased freezing over pre-CS baseline values to the CS at the beginning of the late extinction session on Day 3 (trial effect: F4,70 = 19.94, P < 0.0001; no tone vs. 1st CS block: WT, P < 0.001; KO, P < 0.001; Fig. 2B). However, while the WT mice reduced their freezing levels upon repeated exposure to the CS achieving baseline levels during the second extinction session, the PN-1 KO mice continued to exhibit high freezing levels [interaction (trial × genotype) effect: F4,70 = 3.807, P = 0.0087; genotype effect: F1,73 = 16.11, P = 0.

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