8 g soy protein/day containing 56.2 mg isoflavones, expressed as aglycone equivalent) + resistance training; WHEY = whey supplementation (26.6 g whey protein/day) + resistance training. Coded supplements were kindly supplied by Solae LLC (St. Louis, MO) and were prepared for distribution by a trained individual Selleckchem Z VAD FMK not involved
with any other part of the study. The formulation was developed for maximum protein delivery with minimum caloric content. The placebo contained 25 grams of complex carbohydrates (Table 1). Table 1 Supplement composition (each packet 36.5 grams)1 Nutrient Whey Soy Placebo Kilocalories 130.0 130.0 122.4 Protein (g) 26.6 25.8 0.6 Protein (%) 73.0 70.7 1.54 Total carbohydrate (g) 5.0 5.0 30.0 Fat, acid hydrolysis (%) 2.54 1.66 N/D2 Isoflavones (mg/g product) Total isoflavones -3 2.65 -3 Genistein-containing compounds -3 1.48 -3 Daidzein-containing compounds -3 1.03 -3 Glycitein-containing compounds -3 0.14 -3 Total aglycone equivalents -3 1.54 -3 Genistein -3 0.86 -3 Daidzein -3 0.60 -3 Glycitein -3 0.08 -3 Ash (%) 10.1 11.4 10.3 Moisture (%) 3.6 2.7 4.2 1only significant levels listed 2not detectable 3contains no isoflavones Information provided by Solae LLC, St. Louis, MO Blood Analysis Blood samples www.selleckchem.com/products/Maraviroc.html were taken at baseline, prior to entering into the exercise program, and at the end of the 12 weeks of training. A total of 21
ml of blood was drawn. Seven ml were placed into a plasma tube containing an anticoagulant agent (K3EDTA) and the remaining
14 ml was split between 2 serum tubes with no anticoagulant. The plasma tube was immediately placed on ice, while serum tubes were left to stand at room temperature for 30 minutes to allow for clotting. All samples were centrifuged at 4°C, 1500 × g for 10 minutes, then aliquoted and stored at -80°C until analyzed. Blood levels of cholesterol (total, LDL and HDL) and triglycerides were analyzed by enzymatic Clomifene procedures (WAKO Chemicals USA, Richmond, VA). Assays for each subject were run in duplicate on the same day with the same reagent batch. External calibrators were included on every run and the concentrations in the calibration curves encompassed the range of expected sample values. Two lyophilized quality control materials were run throughout the duration of each test to estimate intra-assay reproducibility. Resistance Training Subjects began resistance training under the supervision of experienced trainers soon after their first blood draw. Subjects were required to refrain from any other exercise training to minimize confounding variables. Supervised exercise sessions were identical for each subject and were held on a 3-day-a-week cycle (48–72 hours between sessions) for a total of 12 weeks that included 4 exercise blocks. Each exercise block was 21 days in duration and provided a progressive training program (Table 2).