67, R2=0.44, y=1.03×year−2062.0 (p=0.051)) and total new drugs (r=0.81, R2=0.65, y=1.20×year−2385.5 (p=0.009)). In contrast, no linear trends were apparent in moderately innovative or highly innovative new drugs for the supplier NVP-BEZ235 same time period (r=0.19 and 0.04, respectively). Table 2 Numbers of new drug launches in the UK and degree of innovativeness by BNF chapter heading, 2001–2012 Figure 1 Numbers of new drug launches in the UK and degree of innovativeness by year, 2001–2012. Considering BNF chapter headings, 6 of the 15 broad therapeutic areas represented over three-quarters of all new drugs, namely malignant disease and immunosuppression; infections; cardiovascular system; endocrine system; central nervous
system; and nutrition and blood (table 2). Each of these provided at least 9% of all new drugs during the study time period, with malignant disease and immunosuppression making up
19.7% of the total. A statistically significantly greater proportion of drugs were coded as highly innovative in two broad therapeutic areas (malignant disease and immunosuppression (p=0.0003, one-tailed χ2 test); and skin (p=0.028)) when compared with the total proportion coded as highly innovative (table 2). In addition, almost 40% of drugs in the nutrition and blood chapter were coded as highly innovative, though the difference from the overall proportion was not statistically significant (p=0.062). In contrast, a statistically significantly greater proportion of drugs were coded as slightly innovative in the chapters for eye disease (p=0.013) and immunological products and vaccines (p=0.014). In addition, 80% of new drugs in the obstetrics, gynaecology and urinary-tract disorders chapter, and all new drugs in the ear, nose and oropharynx
chapters, were coded as slightly innovative, though these results were not statistically significantly different from the overall proportion (p=0.59 and 0.10, respectively), and the latter group included only two drugs. Discussion This is the most up to date study that considers the innovativeness of new drug introductions into the UK. The BNF includes all medicinal products available for dispensing in the UK, and the printed editions were updated every 6 months, providing an accurate and reliable account of AV-951 new drugs launched in the UK each year. We identified an upward linear trend in the annual numbers of slightly innovative new drugs launched in the UK since 2004, which aligns closely with the recovery in total numbers of new drug launches seen since that time.19 No apparent similar increase in moderately innovative or highly innovative new drugs was observed. Just six broad therapeutic areas accounted for over three-quarters of new drug introductions, and of these, drugs for malignant disease and immunosuppression, and nutrition and blood disorders were also more likely to be categorised as highly innovative.