The tissue obtained was fixed in 10% of neutral buffered formalin

The tissue obtained was fixed in 10% of neutral buffered formalin, and processed routinely. The sections stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin revealed cystic spaces lined by a papillary epithelial proliferation which was bilayered. The cells of the epithelial lining appeared intensely eosinophilic. At the core of papillary projections a variable amount of lymphoid tissue with mature lymphocytes was selleck Lapatinib observed [Figure 5]. Figure 4 Tumor after superficial parotidectomy Figure 5 Microscopic picture (��10) The patient did not present with any post-surgical complications. The patient is under regular follow-up to check recurrences, if any. DISCUSSION The most accepted hypothesis about the origin of WT is that it develops from salivary duct inclusions in the lymph nodes, after the embryonic development of the parotid gland.

This hypothesis is further supported by the frequent detection of salivary gland tissue in the peri- and intraparotidal lymph nodes. In the parotid region, lymph nodes are occasionally noted to have oncocytic and papillary changes. On the other hand, the tumors presenting epithelial differentiations similar to those observed in WT develop outside lymph nodes and have no lymphoid stromal component[8]. Benign tumors have only rarely been associated with cigarette smoking, which focuses attention on the nature of the underlying neoplastic process and how it may differ from other benign tumors. Although generally believed to be an adenoma, WT, as suggested by Allegra, may be a delayed hypersensitivity reaction.

[9] An interesting fact that caught the attention of the pathologists is that a decline in the incidence in men and a concurrent increased incidence in women has been observed in recent years. The change is probably due to decline in the smoking habit in men and a reverse trend in women.[10] The increased frequency of adenolymphoma has been ascribed to the association of adenolymphoma with smoking and the proportional increase in female smokers.[11] Studies conducted among atomic bomb survivors suggest that radiation may also be implicated in the tumorigenesis. An earlier claim of a strong association with Epstein�CBarr virus (EBV), because of the EBV�CDNA found in tumor cells in some studies has not been substantiated.[5] Clinically, WT occurs almost exclusively in the parotid glands, in its superficial lobe and rarely in the deeper lobe (10%).

[5] The other preferred locations Dacomitinib include the buccal mucosa, submaxillary gland, lip and palate.[12] The patients can be asymptomatic or can have facial pain, rarely, facial nerve palsy may be seen in tumors associated with inflammation and fibrosis, which can be mistaken for malignant tumor. Ipsilateral earache, tinnitus and deafness are uncommon ear symptoms that might be seen in some patients.

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