This showed an overall protein identity ranging from 30 3-47 6%,

This showed an overall protein identity ranging from 30.3-47.6%, versus Staphylococcus pseudintermedius HKU10-03 and Staphylococcus carnosus TM300, respectively, and an average amino acid identity

of approximately 37% with the remaining SssF-like proteins. In terms of protein sequence similarity, these values range from 41.7% (S. pseudintermedius HKU10-03) to 84.4% (S. carnosus TM300). The N-terminal sequences are considerably more divergent. All SssF-like proteins have a predicted signal peptide of between 35 and 45 residues, according to SignalP predictions. It is noted that the annotated Staphylococcus haemolyticus JCSC1435 SssF-like protein has an incorrectly called start codon, artifactually truncating the signal peptide sequence. All of the SssF-like proteins have a C-terminal sortase motif, implying cell surface localisation. MS-275 Of the ten illustrated in Additional file 2: Figure S1, four have the canonical LPXTG motif, five have an alanine residue in the fourth position, and the Staphylococcus lugdunensis find more protein has a serine in this position. Structural prediction of SssF Secondary structure predictions using PSI-PRED [24] indicate that SssF contains long, almost uninterrupted segments of α-helices (Figure 2B), which are likely to

wrap around each other forming a rope-like coiled-coil structure. In order to predict its three-dimensional fold we carried out a fold-recognition analysis of SssF sequence using Phyre [25] (Protein Homology/AnalogY Recognition Engine). This server allows a pairwise alignment of the SssF sequence to a library of known protein structures available from the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) [26] and the Protein Data Bank (PDB) [27] databases and generates preliminary Blasticidin S research buy models of the protein by mapping tetracosactide the sequence onto the atomic coordinates of different templates. Although SssF shares very low sequence identity with

proteins in the PDB (range from 5-9%), this analysis identified several structural homologues of SssF with a confidence level of 100%. All the structures identified as likely analogues of SssF correspond to proteins that have a coiled-coil fold, including various types of the filamentous proteins such as tropomyosin [28] (PDB code: 1C1G) or alpha-actinin [29] (PDB code 1HCI) (Figure 2C), strongly suggesting that this protein shares a similar three-dimensional structure. Each of the SssF-like proteins (complete mature forms) of the other ten staphylococcal species indicated in Additional file 2: Figure S1 is also predicted to almost exclusively consist of α-helical coiled-coils with the same Phyre-predicted structural analogues as SssF (data not shown). The sssF gene is highly prevalent in S. saprophyticus To assess the prevalence of sssF in S.

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