However, this is possible only when it is made explicit Explicit

However, this is possible only when it is made explicit. Explicitness, i.e., whether a sustainability conception is explicitly stated or implicitly resonating can thus be regarded as a second precondition for striving for appropriately conceiving sustainability goals. Check the contextualization

of the sustainability conception Contextualization is not a direct indicator for the appropriateness of sustainability conceptions. Neither is a quite distinct framing of sustainable development in a #Selleck 17DMAG randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# project’s context more adequate than a more general one. However, the issue is of importance insofar as: Projects featuring conceptions that are strongly specified in the context of the sustainability challenge, i.e., that are strongly contextualized, have to particularly pay attention to not losing sight of the overall objectives of sustainable development; and, on the other hand Projects referring to general conceptions may at some point have to look into how these conceptions can be turned into more specific goals. In doing so, broadly approved general notions need to become more distinct visions

that are shared by the relevant actors and stakeholders. Embracing these stakeholder perspectives becomes particularly important here. Thus, the degree of contextualization differentiates aspects that are relevant for checking the adequacy of sustainability conceptions depending on the case. Check the relevance that is ascribed to sustainability in the research The relevance that projects ascribe to sustainability IMP dehydrogenase goals also has a differentiating function with respect to the adequacy of sustainability conceptions of research projects: Projects

that ascribe to sustainability understandings the role of an external frame need to assess whether this is legitimate, which may include checking the contents of such understandings and assessing their appropriateness; Projects that integrate questions about what sustainability entails in a certain context into the research work must be careful about how to handle the respective notions without introducing the researchers’ own position into the project. Thus, the relevance that is attributed to sustainability conceptions by the scientists differentiates possible traps or particular issues (with respect to the legitimation of a chosen model) that need to be considered in appraising their adequacy. Significance of the guidelines Whereas deliberating underlying sustainability conceptions and making them explicit is instrumental for ascertaining or improving their adequacy, checking the contextualization of the sustainability conception as well as its relevance in the project lead to differentiating considerations that highlight issues of particular importance in specific cases.

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