Figure 2 AFM image and three-dimensional distribution of the MoS

Figure 2 AFM image and three-dimensional distribution of the MoS 2 film. (a) An AFM image of

the MoS2 nanodisc film deposited on the SiO2/Si substrate. (b) Three-dimensional distribution of the MoS2 nanodiscs. Figure 3a shows XRD patterns of the obtained MoS2 nanodiscs. Because the intensities of the diffraction peaks differed too widely to be presented in a single plot, the larger plot shows the diffraction peaks in the range of 10° to 60°, while the small insert shows the diffraction peaks that appear between 60° and 70°. Over the whole range of diffraction angles, the MoS2 nanodiscs exhibit eight diffraction peaks, located at 14.7°, 29.5°, 33.1°, 47.8°, 54.6°, 56.4°, 61.7°, and 69.2°. They are assigned, respectively, learn more to the diffraction planes (002), (004), (100), (105), (106), (110), (112), and (108) of MoS2 according to data from the JPDS. The presence ICG-001 in vitro of these peaks demonstrates that the obtained MoS2 nanodiscs exhibit a variety of crystal structures. R788 clinical trial Moreover, the obtained diffraction peaks are rather sharp, which shows that the MoS2 nanodiscs are crystalline over a large area. The peak corresponding to the (108) crystal face is much more

intense than the other peaks, indicating that the discs have a strong tendency to adopt the (108) crystal orientation during their growth. Figure 3 Properties of the MoS 2 nanodiscs. (a) XRD pattern of the obtained MoS2 nanodiscs for the diffraction angle in the range of 10° ~ 60°. Inset: the diffraction spectrum of MoS2 nanodiscs for the diffraction angle in the range of 60° ~ 70°. (b) The surface current-voltage curves of the MoS2 nanodiscs. Inset: the layout of four measured points

on the MoS2 disc film. The surface current-voltage (I-V) properties, surface carrier concentration and mobility of the obtained MoS2 nanodiscs are very sensitive to the quality of the film. Figure 3b shows the surface I-V properties of the MoS2 nanodisc film. The inset shows the layout of the four measurement points on the MoS2 second nanodisc film. The I-V curves measured between any two points show a perfect linear dependence, which indicates that the deposited MoS2 nanodiscs have good conductivity. The measured carrier concentration of the MoS2 discs is about 3.412 × 106 cm−2, and their electron mobility is as high as 6.42 × 102 cm2/Vs. This mobility value is higher than previously reported values (2 to 3 × 102 cm2/Vs) for single and multilayer MoS2[19, 28]. This significant increase of room-temperature mobility value in our MoS2 may result from the MoS2 nanodisc structure. The mobility of SL MoS2 is generally smaller than bulk MoS2 because of the larger phonon scattering [29]. However, FL MoS2 exhibits fewer dangling bonds and defect states than does SL MoS2, significantly decreasing the phonon scattering.

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