S1. 2.6. Obtain production Sodium-dependent Glucose Cotransporter of synaptic vesicles fractions, and cytoplasmic homogenates from hippocampal slices was by a combination of centrifugation procedure detailed performed C 4 density for the number fraction, nuclear fraction, postsynaptic fraction with low density membrane fraction, the high density membrane fraction and the cytoplasmic fraction in further and, in addition described USEFUL hardware. 2.7. Immunoblot analysis Western blot proteins Were with antique Rpern against the ERRC probed for 12 h at 4 ° C, washed and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG. Detailed procedures are in erg Described nzenden material. 2.8. The mass spectrometry assay of BPA experimental details are elsewhere and, in addition Described USEFUL hardware. 2:03 ethyl acetate mixtures: The extraction of stero Of the hippocampal slices was carried out with hexane. Excerpts stero Of applied to a C18 solid phase Amprep. The share of the EPS was separated from stero By eluting with a normal-HPLC system with an S Column of silica gel. The recoveries of BPA through the above steps were about 40%. In order to increase the ionization efficiency, the BPA was dipicolinoyl ester derivative of BPA. The LC-MS / MS, consisting of a reversed phase LC using a mass spectrometer was API 5000 triple quadrupole coupled days, was used with an electron ionization. Chromatographic separation for LC BPA derivatives was carried out on a CD Cadenza C18-S Molecules. The process of MS / MS was monitored using the transition m / z 439.3 to 239.8 deuterium labeled bisphenol derivative to internal standards in order to measure the recovery tcr signaling pathway of bisphenol and to calibrate the residence time. After drainage, purification and MS / MS detection, recovery of BPA was set at about 70%. The detection limit for BPA was 5 pg per 0.1 g hippocampal tissue. The linearity was t 5-1000 pg pg observed. For more detailed procedures, see the erg Nzenden material. 2.9. Statistical analysis The analysis of the vertebra Column are expressed as mean SEM data. The importance of the drug effect was evaluated by statistical analysis using Tukey Kramer post-hoc test for multiple comparisons when ANOVA was P 0.05. Third Results 3.1. Rapid effects of BPA on spinogenesis We investigated the effect of BPA on the modulation of the density and the diameter of the head of spines in the CA1 region. To do this, was the only imaging vertebra Molecules to Lucifer Yellow injected neurons in the hippocampus slices from adult m Performed male pattern rats. We investigated the collateral branches of apical dendrites 100 200 lm from the K Body of the pyramid Shaped cell in the middle of the stratum radiatum of the CA1 region is located. 3.1.1. The analysis of the total density of the vertebra Column after 2 h of treatment with BPA, had controlled dendritic spines so much Am. The significance of time was examined by treating discs 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 h at 10 nM BPA. The stimulating effect on the entire vertebra Column density Afatinib was approximately proportional to the incubation period, showing 0.94, 0.95, 1.21, 1.21 and 1.58 spines / lm. Dose- Dependence has also been studied after incubation for 2 h. Dose- Dependence showed that the reinforcing Rkende effect of more than 10 nM BPA compared to 1 nM, 100 nM and 10 lm BPA. Since a 2-hour treatment with 10 nM.